Help us have a baby!
Help us have a baby!
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go

Tiffiny Knapp is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Tiffiny and my husband, Dustin and I would love to start our family. We decided at a younger age to wait until we were older and unfortunately you can’t plan for everything in life. In 2017 I was in a car accident that completely rerouted our whole lives including our ability to carry our own baby. Due to the medical issues we are looking to have our own child through a surrogate mother (my eggs are still good!). As many of you know this process averages $150,000! They say babies are expensive and the process to have one is going to be an expensive one as well. We do live in NY where in vitro fertilization was made into law that insurances had to cover 3 sessions. Well just like most laws, it is not a black and white situation. My husband has union insurance with more than 100 employees therefore his insurance is exempt from this law and unfortunately they opted out to provide this. So these procedures will be 100% NOT covered. We see our loved ones making and expanding their families, we would like a chance to do the same.
Name | Donation | Date |
Thresa charland | $500.00 | April 14, 2023 |
Carolyn Moor | $50.00 | April 01, 2023 |
Savannah Simmons | $25.00 | March 28, 2023 |
Anonymous | $20.00 | March 14, 2023 |
Mathew Fleming | $50.00 | March 14, 2023 |
Conrad J Knapp | $50.00 | February 22, 2023 |
David Knapp | $250.00 | December 15, 2022 |
Michael Charland | $20.00 | October 12, 2022 |
Anonymous | $10.00 | September 03, 2022 |
Robin Hebert | $100.00 | September 02, 2022 |
Karen Hebert | $100.00 | August 30, 2022 |

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Tiffiny Knapp is organizing this fundraiser.